Increase productivity and save money with PAC’s RFID label production

Before making critical decisions about integrating RFID label production into your existing operations, it's crucial to ensure that your matrix removal system is ready, robust, and thoroughly tested. Engaging PAC for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored solutions can help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure a seamless transition that safeguards your productivity and bottom line.

Let PAC take a look at your operation to provide the expert guidance needed for successful integration of RFID technology into your manufacturing process.


Key Questions and Considerations in RFID Manufacturing

Matrix Removal System Readiness

  • Accommodating RFID Labels: Is your current matrix removal system capable of handling the specific waste generated from RFID label production, including the additional volume and types of waste?
  • Additional Nozzle Requirements: Have you considered whether an additional waste nozzle is needed to manage adhesive waste separately from traditional trim and matrix waste?

System Grounding and Testing

  • System Grounding: Is your matrix removal system fully grounded to prevent static build-up, which can be a significant issue in RFID label production due to the presence of electronic components?
  • Comprehensive Testing: Has your system been rigorously tested under conditions that simulate the increased load and waste complexity associated with RFID label production?

System Robustness

  • Handling Additional Waste Volume: Is your system robust enough to handle the increased volume of waste, common in RFID label manufacturing, without compromising efficiency or causing frequent downtimes?
  • Clog and Maintenance Prevention: Have measures been implemented to prevent clogs and reduce maintenance requirements due to the additional waste?

Cost Considerations

  • Beyond RFID Equipment: Have you accounted for additional costs beyond just the RFID equipment, such as potential upgrades to your waste management system, increased maintenance, and potential downtime?
  • Productivity Assurance: What steps have you taken to ensure that the integration of RFID label production does not negatively impact your overall productivity?