This Thanksgiving marked the 13th year that Precision AirConvey Corporation – (PAC) has collected and donated a fully cooked turkey dinner and groceries to five needy families in partnership with the Ministry of Caring Inc., through the generous donations of PAC employees and company President & CEO – Tom Embley, the company has provided over 7000 lbs. of food – the equivalent of three and a half tons of food in the last thirteen years! Each year thoughtful PAC employees donate items to fill large baskets for several families at the Guardian Angel Childcare Center. PAC provides a fully cooked Thanksgiving dinner to each family. In addition, each basket is filled with milk, bread, orange juice, canned goods, non-perishables, and other food items as well as personal care and cleaning supplies and gift cards.
Thanks-For-Giving is a favorite time of year at PAC and “personally my favorite time as an owner” says President Tom Embley, with employees cheerfully helping to provide for those less fortunate, delivering the dinners and baskets to the families on Thanksgiving morning is truly a privilege. We look forward to our continued partnership with the Ministry of Caring for many years to come.
#PACgivesback #communityservice